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Community around us

We could be charged for trash collection services 

The City of San Diego is currently conducting a Cost of Services (COS) study to determine how much to charge single-family homes for trash pickup. The study will also consider how to subsidize pickup for low-income families and reward people for producing less trash. Here is a list of open house meetings to encourage residents to share their input on trash collection fees.

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2nd San Diego Hong Kong Film Festival 2024

Please join our partner for the 2nd San Diego Hong Kong Film Festival on Saturday, September 7th.

1:10pm - Boat People

3:05pm - Once Upon A Time in HKSE

4:05pm - All Shall Be Well

6:30pm - Once Upon A time in China

General Admission

Non-member: $18

Member: $15

VIP Pass: $100

Include a ticket and reserved VIP seat for each film. A club Lanyard, a lion spirit bag, and a dragon spirit cap.

Festival Pass: $60

Include a ticket for each film and a club lanyard.

for more information: 619-764-3590 

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